How To Build Your Flutter App for webOS TV

A Flutter app for webOS TV is basically very similar to a standard Flutter app. In addition to the standard functions, it can access the hardware and OS features, which are usually allowed for native apps. Therefore, if you have developed and built a Flutter app, you can easily get started with a Flutter app for webOS TV, based on your knowledge about DART, Flutter packages, Flutter plugins, and so on.

List of plugins that are to support webOS TV

We have been working on adding webOS TV to the supported platform list of the existing first- and third-party plugins in that are more popular.

The following table lists the plugins that are to support webOS TV soon. If plugins you are planning to use in your game app are not in this list, contact us in advance.

webOS packageFrontend packagePubEndorsedRemarks
audioplayers_webosaudioplayers (Third-party)To be updatedNo
connectivity_plus_webosconnectivity_plus (First-party)To be updatedNo
package_info_plus_webospackage_info_plus (First-party)To be updatedNo
path_provider_webospath_provider (First-party)To be updatedNo
shared_preferences_webosshared_preferences (First-party)To be updatedNo
sqflite_webossqflite (Third-party)To be updatedNo
video_player_webosvideo_player (First-party)To be updatedNo

The non-endorsed status means that the plugin is not endorsed by the original author. In such case, you must set both foobar and foobar_webos package dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file to achieve full functionality.

List of useful open-source plugins

These are other useful open-source plugins you can use.

custom_mouse_cursorcustom_mouse_cursor 1.1.2This package provides custom system mouse cursor support for Flutter.
flutter_keyboard_visibilityflutter_keyboard_visibility 6.0.0

Develop your app

  • Develop a Flutter game app on other platforms (Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Web, or Windows).
  • Use Frontend packages for access to the hardware and OS features.
  • Before submitting your app, build your app for webOS TV using Flutter webOS CLI and Plugins for webOS TV.
  • Flutter webOS CLI, Plugins for webOS TV, and guides for building your app for webOS TV are soon to be available.

Test and debug the app on webOS TV

If you want to check if your Flutter app for webOS TV works on a real webOS TV device, contact us in advance.

Contact us

If you have questions about or need technical support in developing your Flutter app webOS TV, email us at or contact us through Discord.


  • Only the developers who have singed on the NDA with LG Electronics can download the Flutter webOS SDK (CLI, Plugins, guides, etc).
  • After the registration period ends on July 26th, information on how to get the Flutter webOS SDK (CLI, Plugins, guides, etc) will be provided.
  • Depending on the number of registrations, app development and submission might be performed on the web platform.
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