NetCast Technical Notes

We provide documents here to help you to create content for LG Smart TV and media product.

Required Documents for App Submission to LG Seller Lounge

Every app submitted to LG Apps TV will go through App Quality Assurance (QA) process, and the two documents in the following zip file are required for QA validation. Please fill out the documents provided and upload them with your app in the App Submission section of LG Seller Lounge. App submission may be rejected in the App QA process if any of the submitted documents is incomplete or invalid.

The files can also be found at LG Seller Lounge

Smart TV (LH57) vs. NetCast

The features of light-weighted Smart TVs (LH55, LH56, LH57, LH58) are compared with those of NetCast TV.

This document contains the following:

  • API support range
  • userAgent string of Smart TV (LH57 and its derivatives)
  • Memory management strategy
The light-weighted Smart TVs do not support the app test using USB. To test your app, you should proceed the Quality Assurance (QA) process in the LG Seller Lounge, after developing the app with NetCast 4.0/4.5 or the NetCast compatibility mode of webOS.

LG Smart TV and Media Product UI Guideline

This document contains UI/UX guidelines that developers should follow to design an application that meets LG Smart TV features.

The purpose of this documentation is for you to improve efficiency in designing an application in three forms:

  • understanding LG Smart TV supportive features and UI elements
  • helping you to design/develop faster
  • helping you make fewer mistakes

The following were changed at the version 4.18 of this document.

  1. Change mandatory items to recommendations:
    • Overscan area rule (M02 --> R01)
    • Display on-screen ‘Q.Menu’ button on video play screen (M08 --> R08)
  2. Specify minimum target size by screen resolution
  3. Update behavior of LG screen keyboard: Total 5 language keyboard can be selected.

LG Smart TV Guidelines for App Icon and Screenshot

This document contains icon and screenshot guidelines that developers should follow to design an application that meets LG Smart TV features.

Web_List of Public CAs and LG Root CA (112 KB) (171 KB)

  1. List of Public CA
    This is the server certificate file. The NetCast platform has trusted CAs to be able to verify Secure Socket Layer (SSL) server certificates.

  2. LG root CA of TV / Media
    This is the client certificate file that is a standard X.509 v3 certificate. It has been issued by LG custom CA.

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