TLS and Root Certificates

TLS protocol compatibility

The following table shows the supported Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions by each webOS TV platform version.

webOS TV platform versionRelease yearTLS v1.3TLS v1.2
webOS TV 252025SupportedSupported
webOS TV 242024SupportedSupported
webOS TV 232023SupportedSupported
webOS TV 222022SupportedSupported
webOS TV 6.x2021SupportedSupported
webOS TV 5.x2020SupportedSupported
webOS TV 4.x2018-2019Not supportedSupported
webOS TV 3.x2016-2017Not supportedSupported
webOS TV 1.x/2.x2014-2015Not supportedSupported

Trusted root certificates

You can download the trusted root certificates in webOS TV as below. Note that the list of trusted root certificates varies by webOS TV platform version, and the file below includes some of them compatible in all platform versions.

Download trusted root certificates

  • Resources of a webOS TV app provided as HTTPS should use certificates of which the root is one of the trusted root certificates. If the root does not exist in the list of trusted root certificates of the TV where the app is being launched, an Filed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error occurs.
  • The Let's Encrypt certificate, which uses ISRG Root X1 as root, is supported from webOS TV 5.0. However, on webOS TV 3.X and 4.X, if the software update is properly performed, it is supported.
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